Wednesday, May 15, 2019

CorroMove® VCI Rust Remover Wipes Bring Metals Back to Shine!

rust remover

MetPro CorroMove® VCI rust remover wipes are designed to clean and offer corrosion protection to machinery, parts and components. They’re effective in removing oil, grease, dirt and light surface corrosion. 
How do they work? Click here to learn more!

Tested & Proven Rust Remover Solutions That Work!

With over 70 years of experience in the field, our approach to customer satisfaction is achieved by clearly understanding your needs, so we can offer the most suitable and cost-effective solution! Imagine having more protection to make sure your product stays safe, lasts longer, and makes it to your customer in the right condition.

If you want to learn more about our rust remover solutions, visit our website!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Ideal Cleaning System to Preserve All Metal Parts

rust removerThe features and benefits of MetPro CorroMove® VCI rust remover wipes offer an ideal cleaning system where metal parts or assemblies are involved.
  • Removes light surface rust, arrests the rusting process, and maintains parts.
  • Contains corrosion inhibitors that will leave your parts rust free for months.
  • Utilizes non-lint cloths and user friendly packets to ensure a tough and durable cleaning system.
  • Safe to use and environmental friendly.
  • Cost effective and reduces the need for multiple cleaning and protection systems.
  • Reduces inventory and increases productivity.
  • Eliminates handling of flammable and hazardous liquid solvents. 

Want to Learn More About Rust Remover Technology from MetPro? 

Contact us today to get started with your local MetPro Sales Representative! Our experienced sales team and technical engineers would be happy to assess your current packaging process to determine if your packaging requirements are being met in the most cost-efficient and effective way possible. Call today!