Are you a manufacturer or shipper of products? Are you having problems with products not arriving to their destinations rust-free? Do you use several forms of packaging, but find that nothing works as well as you’d like? Try MetPro industrial packaging products!
Our VCI technology is designed in-house and has a number of key benefits; it’s safe, reliable and effective! A number of factors need to be considered so that not only is your product protected, but to ensure that the process and your workers are not harmed.
Factors to consider:
- Type, size and format of the product
- Production process; if heat, water or oils are used
- Cleaning methods
- Manual versus auto handling
- Packing station location relative to other processes
- Shipping time and final destination
- Length of protection required
- Ensure compliance to industrial standards
To learn more about what else to consider when it comes to your industrial packaging, visit our website for more information or give us a call today! We’ve been supplying industrial packaging globally to a wide range of industries and markets for over 20 years. There’s nothing about VCI or corrosion protection that we don’t know!